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Friday 22 August 2014

Scraping dynamic data

I am scraping profiles on ask.fm for a research question. The problem is that only the top most recent questions are viewable and I have to click "view more" to see the next 15.

The source code for clicking view more looks like this:

<input class="submit-button-more submit-button-more-active" name="commit" onclick="return Forms.More.allowSubmit(this)" type="submit" value="View more" />

What is an easy way of calling this 4 times before scraping it. I want the most recent 60 posts on the site. Python is preferable.

You could probably use selenium to browse to the website and click on the button/link a few times. You can get that here:


Or you might be able to do it with mechanize:


I have also heard good things about twill, but never used it myself:


Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19437782/scraping-dynamic-data

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