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Monday, 23 January 2017

Make PDF Files Accessible With Data Scrapping

Make PDF Files Accessible With Data Scrapping

What is Data Scrapping?

In your daily business activities, you should have heard about data scrapping. It is a process of extracting data, content or information from a Portable Document Format file. There are easy to use as well as advanced tools available that can automatically sort the data which can be founded on different sources such as Internet. These tools can collect relevant information or data according to the needs of a user. A user just need to type in the keywords or key phrases and the tools can extract related information from a Portable Document Format file. It is a useful method to make the information or the data available from the non editable files.

How can you perform data scrapping and make PDF files accessible or viewable?

There are many advantages of storing as well as sharing the information with PDF files. A Portable Document Format protects the originality of the document when you convert the data from Word to PDF. The compression algorithms compress the size of the file whenever the files become heavier due to the content. The graphics or images mainly add to the file size and creates problems when had to transfer the files. A Portable Document Format is a file that is independent of hardware or software for installation purposes. It is also self-reliant when it has to be operated or accessed on any system with different configuration. You can even encrypt the files with the help of computer programs. This enhances your ability to protect the content.

Along with many benefits, there are other challenges while using a Portable Document Format computer application. For instance, you have found a PDF file on the Internet and you want to access the data for utilizing it for a project. If the author has encrypted the file that prevents you from copying or printing the file, you can easily use the computer programs for scrapping purpose. These programs are easily available over the Internet with a variety of features and functionality. In this way, you can extract valuable information from different sources for constructive purpose.

 Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Make-PDF-Files-Accessible-With-Data-Scrapping&id=4692776

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Searching the Web Using Text Mining and Data Mining

Searching the Web Using Text Mining and Data Mining

There are many types of financial analysis tools that are useful for various purposes. Most of these are easily available online. Two such tools of software for financial analysis include the text mining and data mining. Both methods have been discussed in details in the following section.

The features of Text Mining It is a way by which information of high-quality can be derived from a text. It involves giving structure to the input text then deriving patterns within the data that has been structured. Finally, the process of evaluating and interpreting the output is undertaken.

This form of mining usually involves the process of structuring the text input, and deriving patterns within the structured data, and finally evaluating and interpreting the data. It differs from the way we are familiar with in searching the web. The goal of this method is to find unknown information. It can be done with analyses in topics that that were not researched before.

What is Data Mining? It is the process of the extraction of patterns from the data. Nowadays, it has become very vital to transform this data into information. It is particularly used in marketing practices as well as fraud detection and surveillance. We can extract hidden information from huge databases of information. It can be used to predict future trends as well as to aid the company business to make knowledgeable quick decisions.

Working of data mining: Modeling technique is used to perform the operation of such form of mining. For these techniques, you must need to be fully integrated with a data warehouse as well as financial analysis tools. Some of the areas where this method is used are:

 - Pharmaceutical companies which need to analyze its sales force and to achieve their targets.
 - Credit card companies and transportation companies with sales force.
 - Also large consumer goods companies use such mining techniques.
 - With this method, a retailer may utilize POS or point-of-sale data of customer purchases in order to develop  strategies for sale promotion.

The major elements of Data mining:

1. Extracting, transforming, and sending load transaction data on the data warehouse of the server system.

2. Storing and managing the data in for database systems that are multidimensional in nature.

3. Presenting data to the IT professionals and business analysts for processing.

4. Presenting the data to the application software for analyses.

5. Presentation of the data in dynamic ways like graph or table.

The main point of difference between the two types of mining is that text mining checks the patterns from natural text instead of databases where the data is structured.

Data mining software supports the entire process of such mining and discovery of knowledge. These are available on the internet. Data mining software serves as one of the best financial analysis tools. You can avail of data mining software suites and their reviews freely over the internet and easily compare between them.
